More local, visible & accessible policing
Ensure the police are there when you need them. Deliver effective response and follow up all reasonable lines of enquiry.
Drive down anti-social behaviour & crime
More hotspot policing and monitoring known offenders to prevent crime, including in our rural areas.
Beat knife crime and drug gangs and protect young people
Take drugs and weapons off our streets and help young people get out of gangs.
Protect women and girls from violence and domestic abuse
Invest in safer streets and bring more perpetrators to justice.
Ensure vulnerable people are protected
More Safe & Well visits, and Community Safety Officers to identify risks and help people stay safe.
Improve road safety and reduce road death in Essex to Zero
Tackle speeding and drink and drug driving. Better tech, better education, and better enforcement.
Fire & Rescue Service Reform
Modernising the Fire & Rescue Service to reduce risk and keep more people safe.
For me, safe and secure communities are the bedrock on which we build prosperity and wellbeing for everyone.